Homestead Community Land Trust partners with stakeholders and organizations to inform and educate policymakers to dismantle systems of injustice that keep people from affordable housing and that perpetuate racial disparities in homeownership.
Our partners include:

The Washington State members of the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition, which works to advance community land trust and permanently affordable homeownership policies and practitioners.

Homestead Community Land Trust is a member of the Black Home Initiative. The Black Home Initiative (BHI) is a regional effort to increase the Black homeownership rate in South Seattle, South King County, and North Pierce County.

Housing Development Consortium. Homestead is a member of HDC, which brings together its members to work collaboratively to meet the housing needs of people with limited incomes throughout the region. HDC Website
To learn more about how you can participate in advocacy to support affordable homeownership, please email getinvolved@homesteadclt.org