We thank Isabel Wilkerson for bringing her warmth and light to our September 2024 benefit.
Sharing her depth of insight into the human condition, Isabel Wilkerson brilliantly addressed the implications of caste for our nation and our local community, enjoining us all to tend to what we have inherited. What happens now is our responsibility. Ms. Wilkerson was joined Marcus Harrison Green, publisher of the South Seattle Emerald and columnist for the Stranger, in a thought-provoking discussion about caste, land ownership and more. We are grateful for the financial support of those who sponsored or donated to Homestead through this event.
Dr. Gate’s appearance is supported by:
Beneficial State Bank • Grace Kim and Mike Mariano • Kurt Kruckeberg and Dan Flores • Denkyem Coop • Ritesize Consulting • Susan Anawalt • Bascomb Real Estate Group • WK Social • First Move by Az
Converge Media • South Seattle Emerald
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please contact getinvolved@homesteadclt.org for details.
በዜና ውስጥ የቤት ውስጥ
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Seattle churches want to replace their unused land with affordable housing
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A Seattle home for under $300,000? Yes, but with some strings attached
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