From left to right: David Garcia Galindo, Sofia Garcia Galindo, and Daelen Gates outside their home at Village Gardens. (Photo/Gurjot Kang)
Meet Some of Homestead’s Youngest First-Time Homeowners:
The Garcia Galindo-Gates Family Story
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As young homeowners, buying into a program that will assure the long-term affordability of their home was important to Sofia, Daelen, and David.
"My brother and I immigrated from Colombia to the U.S. with our mom when we were very young. As a single mother, our mom could not keep up with the increasing cost of rent over the years, so we experienced constant displacement through our youth. We never knew stability until we bought this house," said Sofia. "I want more people who are around our age to be able to have access to [homeownership] and not feel like they’re trapped."
Family cat, Kit Kat, loves lounging around in the living room. Village Gardens is home to the Garcia Galindo-Gates’ family’s two dogs and two cats. (Photo/Gurjot Kang)

“It really is like a dream, like a huge massive weight lifted off our chests for a good amount of time, where we can kind of really plan out our lives,” said Gates.
Through the security of having an affordable, stable place to live, each of the household members now have the opportunity to focus more on personal and professional advancement.

“It ends up being about helping the community. So with our efforts and our education, we’re able to focus on that,” said Sofia. “And focusing on self-growth because I feel like when you’re struggling to pay rent, or living paycheck to paycheck because of rent, you’re less likely to focus on things that matter when it comes to your career…or the community.”
“It definitely hasn't been a walk in the park, figuring out how to be an effective homeowner, but we are so excited to learn as we go,” added Sofia. “I am hopeful more opportunities like this will continue to develop for folks like us so that they can build equity and feel the stability we have been enjoying for the last [several] months.”
Daelen Gates (on the bottom left) and Sofia Garcia Galindo (on the bottom right) volunteered, with Homestead CLT members, to assist clearing ivy and blackberry from encroaching on a Village Gardens sidewalk in May 2022. (Photo/Homestead)