Our Mission
Homestead Community Land Trust creates stability, equity and opportunity by developing land and housing in trust, giving lower-income households the opportunity to own a home that is affordable to them and remains affordable to future owners.
Our Vision
Our expanding supply of permanently affordable homes for ownership plays an essential role in giving all people equitable access to opportunity. When modest income families have opportunities to gain stability and create wealth safely through affordable homeownership, neighborhoods gain strength and resilience, and our community moves together towards social justice, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.
Access, Inclusion, & Equity
Whereas Homestead’s mission is to preserve and advance access to permanently affordable homeownership as a means to create thriving, equitable and inclusive communities,
We, the Board and Staff, affirm our commitments to:
foster access to affordable homeownership for those who by virtue of race, ethnicity, limited income, or any minority status have been shut out of the opportunity to own their own home,
seek new ways to make our organizational capacity for creating homeownership opportunities a resource to those who have been denied access to homeownership,
work in collaboration with individuals and community groups to dismantle systemic and institutional barriers to housing and homeownership, and
grow in our own organizational awareness of the ways bias and privilege affect our work together.
These commitments will inform our plans for 2017 and beyond.
Approved by Board of Delegates 11-16-2016