Homestead Community Land Trust is developing two homeownership projects located on Phinney Ave. We invite the community to help us select permanent names for these buildings before we begin construction on the first in late 2023.
The development at 5189 Phinney Ave will be a condominium building with 26 homes, of which 19 will be subsidized in price so that they are affordable to income-qualified households. This location will also have ground-floor commercial space, and we expect to welcome A La Mode Pies back to the location after construction is completed.
The development at 6109 Phinney will be a condominium building with 30 homes, of which 19 will be subsidized in price for income-qualified households. This location is still in the final stages of planning and may have either commercial space on the ground floor or possible live-work spaces.
We are seeking proposals for TWO names, one for each property.
Selecting names for these developments is an opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate people, history or features that make this neighborhood or these locations unique.
Submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee that represents a cross-section of stakeholders to the Phinney neighborhood.
An award of $500 for each name will be made to the person or persons who submit the selected name for each of our buildings.
Applicant Eligibility
Proposals may be submitted by individuals or community groups living or operating in the City of Seattle.
Proposal Criteria:
We are looking for names that are
English words with a combined character length of no greater than 30 characters
Reflect any of the following:
the positive contributions of groups or individuals to the location or to the surrounding neighborhood;
an element of the natural environment,
an event of local significance,
a prior use of the location or
some other connection to Phinney life.
Would appeal to prospective homebuyers who may not know the history or meaning of the words.
Recognition of Entries
The selection committee will review all submissions. Summaries of appropriate proposals and images may be shared on Homestead’s social media platforms so that the important stories, events and people of this neighborhood can known and appreciated more widely. Stories will be shared with attribution to the individual or group making the submission. Homestead reserves the right to share the entries through other events or media through physical or digital displays.
Submit Your Entry
Here is a PDF of the information to prepare to submit your entry. If you do not want to use the online entry system you can print this form, and submitted additional pages (no more than 3 typewritten) to provide answers to the questions. Hardcopy entries should be mailed to Homestead.
To vote and/or propose your favorite names for our upcoming developments in the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood, fill out the survey below. The deadline for responses is Tuesday, Oct. 31 by 5 p.m. PST.
Terms and Conditions
You must provide a valid email address, mailing address and daytime telephone number with your entry so that we can contact you if your proposal is selected.
By submitting your entry, you warrant that the entry is your own work. You also warrant that your entry does not infringe the rights of any third party.
All entries become the property of Homestead Community Land Trust.
The final name selection is the discretion of Homestead.
If more than one entry of the same name is registered and that name is chosen, all those who submitted the name will share recognition and the prize money.
Employees and Board members of Homestead CLT are not eligible to propose names